Hei by Selux


Hei by Selux - New to our solar family

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Sus­tain­abil­ity in a nut­shell
Hei by Selux is for archi­tects and design­ers want­ing an attrac­tive, inno­v­a­tive, and sus­tain­able out­door light­ing solu­tion with reli­able per­for­mance. Hei uses monocrys­talline solar cells in their patented power tube design together with highly effi­cient lumi­naires in a single unit to pro­vide a con­tem­po­rary aes­thetic. The cylin­dri­cal power tube is not ori­en­ta­tion spe­cific and col­lects solar irra­di­ance from all direc­tions.

Solar prod­ucts are great for use in most areas of the world. Typ­i­cally, more energy is gen­er­ated than is required from these prod­ucts. Our solar lumi­naires have an intel­li­gent con­trol system for light and bat­tery. In the months with less sun­light, a micro- controller’s algo­rithm ensures opti­mum energy man­age­ment. This vari­able output system approach adds reli­a­bil­ity by dim­ming rather than turn­ing off.

Gentle on Nature
Elec­tric­ity and trench­ing costs are elim­i­nated which makes instal­la­tion easy and min­i­mizes impact to the site. Ideal appli­ca­tions include parks, cycle paths, hiking trails, remote bus stops or car parks, and nature reserves. In addi­tion, some projects may ben­e­fit from the eco­log­i­cal story, carbon neu­tral status or being a cli­mate smart role model.


  • Emis­sion-free power gen­er­a­tion
  • No costly trench­ing and wiring
  • Quick and hassle-free instal­la­tion
  • Also for tem­po­rary light­ing
  • No energy costs
  • Smart con­trol
  • Indi­vid­ual dim­ming and motion pro­files adapt to the sit­u­a­tion
  • Long ser­vice life
  • Inte­grated PV for the clean­est look pos­si­ble

Let’s make your project CO2 neu­tral!

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