• Projects
  • Lehigh Health Science Technology

Lehigh Health Science Technology Building

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

The Lehigh Uni­ver­sity Health, Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy build­ing is the largest build­ing on the campus at almost 200,000 sq ft. and com­pleted in Spring 2022. It pro­vides the most state-of-the-art envi­ron­ment for research on the university’s campus. Out­side it has a pedes­trian bridge that is lit with Selux wet loca­tion fix­tures that con­nect the new build­ing to Lehigh’s other facil­i­ties. The appeal­ing path­ways are lit with Selux Olivio Sis­tema and Sis­tema 2, pro­vid­ing per­fect atmos­pheric illu­mi­na­tion as well as ver­sa­til­ity to be able to posi­tion the spot where it is needed. The large glass win­dows invite an observer from the out­side to see what research is being per­formed inward. Inside the build­ing is large open-con­cept spaces with glass walls replac­ing the closed-in offices and narrow hall­ways that were once used, encour­ag­ing more col­lab­o­ra­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion between fac­ulty and stu­dents as well as putting the research on dis­play for all to see. The open stair­cases offer views between floors, ensur­ing the entire space feels open and con­nected.

Selux Piix™ MRC was used all through­out for its effi­cient, pre­ci­sion light­ing with­out uncom­fort­able high-angle glare. The light source is hidden deep within the hous­ing cre­at­ing a a quiet ceil­ing so the focus can remain on the effect of the light within the HST space.

architect HGA

landscape architect Sasaki

design MoharDesign

photographer Anton Grassl

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