Selux Ritorno LED


Selux Ritorno LED - 150W HID Replacement

Thursday 26 July 2018

Ritorno LED offer­ing
The Ritorno LED family from Selux is now capa­ble of replac­ing 150W HID lamp­ing while main­tain­ing orig­i­nal pole spac­ing. The indi­rect light­ing of the Ritorno, avail­able in Round Sym­met­ri­cal (Type V) or Round or Square Asym­met­ri­cal (Type IV) dis­tri­b­u­tions, cre­ates uni­form, com­fort­able light­ing in 3000K or 4000K. The LED retro­fit kit can replace less energy effi­cient mod­ules cur­rently in the field.

Func­tional Ele­gance
Use Ritorno LED for pole or wall mount appli­ca­tions. Mul­ti­ple shade styles, power levels, and CCT options can be selected to create a unique project. The inte­grated drip groove, stain­less steel hard­ware, and reverse tapered poles add a func­tional ele­gance, while optional pole-inte­grated GFCI pro­vides elec­tric­ity in a con­ve­nient loca­tion.

Indi­rect Exte­rior Light­ing
Euro­pean design­ers have long embraced the method of indi­rect light­ing for exte­rior spaces. Indi­rect light­ing in exte­rior appli­ca­tions pro­vides a uni­form, shadow-free dis­tri­b­u­tion, while cre­at­ing a com­fort­ing ambiance. Uniquely designed shades for Ritorno LED, along with dif­fuse flush glass lens over the LED light engine com­pletely con­ceal the light source.

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