Introducing Arca Pro - A new generation of Arca with precision lighting for streets and paths!


Introducing Arca Pro - A new generation of Arca with
precision lighting for streets and paths!

Tuesday 6 September 2022

Arco Pro is a sleek archi­tec­tural post top lumi­naire, per­fect for demand­ing light­ing appli­ca­tions. The com­bi­na­tion of aes­thetic appeal and tech­ni­cal per­for­mance defines Arca Pro. Con­fig­ure mul­ti­ple heads for pedes­trian path­ways, cam­puses, park­ing lots, side streets, or plazas.

Mas­ter­ful per­for­mance
Arca Pro has a min­i­mal form that doesn’t take­away from its sur­round­ing envi­ron­ment. Pre­mium qual­ity, durable mate­ri­als, main­tain a clean appear­ance over time. Arca Pro uses the Gen 5 lens, an opti­cal advance­ment that allows for a full range of dis­tri­b­u­tions with excel­lent visual com­fort, improved visual guid­ance and pre­cise place­ment of light. Unlike other optics, Gen5 is a pro­pri­etary design made of sil­i­cone.

Pro­tect­ing wildlife under the stars
Arca Pro com­plies to IDA require­ments, ensur­ing the dark sky is pre­served. The lumi­naire is cer­ti­fied to min­i­mize glare, reduce light tres­pass, and have zero uplight. Unnec­es­sary light scat­ter is avoided using Gen 5 optics recessed into the IP66 enclo­sure . This means that no direct light is emit­ted into the hori­zon or in shal­low angles. Light pol­lu­tion causes many dis­rup­tions in wildlife pro­tect­ing wildlife with True Amber LED Light­ing. Arca Pro with amber addresses light­ing pol­lu­tion issues in eco­log­i­cally sen­si­tive areas while ensur­ing human safety and secu­rity.

The geom­e­try of the Arca Pro hous­ing is enhanced by a square pole, which gives a modern feel. Options include one to four heads that can be mounted at vary­ing heights with a 12 inch dis­tance between each mount. This flex­i­ble arrange­ment of the lumi­naires gives the designer many dif­fer­ent options for cre­ative light­ing solu­tions.

Prod­uct Overview:
Arca Pro Product Page

Print­able Sell Sheet:
Arca Pro Sell Sheet

To learn more about Selux Arca Pro, view this Appli­ca­tion Guide:
Arca Pro Application Guide

Spec sheets:
Arca Pro Spec Sheet

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