
Norrtälje, Sweden

The Swedish town of Nor­rtälje on the Baltic Sea was founded in 1622 by King Gustav II Adolf and is located around 70 kilo­me­tres north of Stock­holm. For Norrtälje’s har­bour, the munic­i­pal coun­cil wanted a new light­ing con­cept devel­oped.

As a solu­tion, the land­scape archi­tects von Syd­väst arkitek­tur & land­skap AB and light­ing designer Frida Nord­mark from the Light Bureau in Copen­hagen came up with the idea of a warm, low light­ing point that was rem­i­nis­cent of the light from a his­tor­i­cal ship’s lantern. The light­ing con­cept was imple­mented using Selux Elo bol­lards.

Elo’s min­i­mal­ist design lan­guage blends in har­mo­niously with the mar­itime style of the sur­round­ing land­scape. The bol­lards are 800 mm high and fitted with a gold ver­sion of the double Tritec module. This module and the light colour used of 2700 Kelvin not only ensure safety and effec­tive ori­en­ta­tion but warm light­ing of Nor­rtälje harbour’s sur­round­ing area.

client Norrtälje Kommun (Norrtälje Municipality)

landscape architect Sydväst arkitektur & landskap AB

lighting designer Frida Nordmark / Light Bureau, Copenhagen

photographer Werner Nystrand

products Elo Bollards with Tritec Gold optics, coating in special color

features extra warm light color, dark sky compatible


We wanted to create a friendly, warm athmosphere with this lighting design. The extra warm light color both helped achieving that and also illuminating the scenery with minimal light pollution. Good for the citizens and for the environment!

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